Friday, June 4, 2010

What the hell am I doing?

The past week or so, I have been toying with the format I want this blog to take. Do I want to just point and laugh at the myriad memes and non sequiturs polluting the internet?

No. That would be stupid. There are enough websites and blogs dedicated to nothing more than displaying and profiting from the excesses of the interwebs. What I want to do is study Nerd culture as an actual culture, not a joke. This includes, but is not limited to, the cultural aspects of music, literature, film, linguistic principles, , etc. etc. As such, I will actually attempt to make reference of some of the great intellectual big beards (including women, I just like saying "big beards")of the field of critical theory.

So here's how I think I am going to throw it down, son. One area of in depth study a month, or more if I can find the time. I know there's no way I'll be able to cover all aspects that can be covered, but with time I'd like to get the ball rolling on a critical study of nerds.

A lofty goal, but thank Vishnu the Internet allows me to fail, and fail hard, with little to no repercussions.

And if I do fail, if I don't necessarily do what I set out to do, at least I tried, and hopefully got a few other people thinking.

Nerdademic, Out.

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